November 28, 2011

Foodsheds and resilience

Two quick updates: one is that I totally love these pictures of upper Mississippi "foodsheds." This is related to a project I'm working on with some MSU colleagues, and these images are great. They also relate to a recent book I read, William Cronon's Nature's Metropolis. It is about the history of commodities and land use change in Chicago. It's long, but really interesting to think about the geographical flow of nature and capital throughout the Great West.

Also, tomorrow I'm giving my first real lecture to a large class! It's going to be on climate change vulnerability, adaptation, and resilience. I asked my students to read this article. The process of writing and putting together this lecture has actually helped me solidify some of my own thoughts on these subjects. The problem is I have to keep them fairly simple for my audience. Email me if you'd like to see my slides!

1 comment:

  1. Good article Marci. I wonder if the culture in Bangladesh is more cooperative than the individualistic competitive culture here and if so, how that affects the spirit of resilience?

    Reading "The Sustainability Mirage" by John Foster, a Brit philosopher. Has a critique of "science-ism" early on.
    Hope all is well. Snow piling up at the moment.

    all good things,


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